Public Square

Whether we wanted to be or not, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has always been in the public square, often facing false accusations and insults on our character. Ever since the boy Prophet Joseph Smith shared his theophany with a local preacher, “calumny has defamed.” Answers to public questions like the Wentworth letter frequently led to profound doctrine–one such response is on the last page of  our scriptures as the Articles of Faith. And, when pushed by one editor as to what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believed, the Prophet answered, paraphrasing: We believe Jesus Christ was the only Begotten Son of God, born of a virgin, taught the truth, was crucified and died and rose on the third day … everything else are just appendages thereto. It is the appendages that attract the most attention, but today, the whole reality of the mission of Jesus Christ is dismissed by secularists anyway. So, now more than ever, members of the Church need to stand in the middle of the public square, bear testimony and tell the truth. To public figures from Pilate 2000 years ago to modern-day pundits, truth is a rare commodity. Let’s share it.

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