Living Church

 What is a LIVING church? It is one built on a foundation of prophets and apostles with Jesus Christ himself as the cornerstone (See Ephesians). This story should illustrate the point: Years ago, a kindly grandfather spoke at the missionary “farewell” of his grandson. This man had belonged to another Restorationist church that organized in a similar fashion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After many heart-felt discussions with LDS missionaries, he decided to seek the Lord’s help in identifying God’s church. He had a dream in which he was fly fishing on a small, clear stream in a meadow. Just below the opposite bank in a deep pool, he spotted a beautiful German brown trout undulating just below the surface in the current. He put on his favorite fly and cast it right over the fish’s nose once, twice, then three times. After no response, he tried a different lure again and again. Finally, he walked around and looked down: the fish was dead–a branch was extended through a gill and out its mouth. Then he remembered the missionaries’ lesson: their church had LIVING prophets! That’s the difference. All over the world, there are people of good will teaching in what is commonly called “Bible” churches–which is a good thing. But, in I Peter Chapter 2, we read that scripture “came NOT in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost.” (verse 21)

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